
This will make it easier, won't it? We always think so. It's what we've been taught. It's a little different for me though. I don't delete to hide it from anyone else. I delete to hide it from me. Me and these these corrupt fingers. If they don't see it around, maybe they won't startContinue reading "Delete"


I'm never confused. I don't think there's any scope for me to be. Every. Single. Time on replay,it does something to me. My insides turn upside down and it's a bloody melody in itself as those lips turn upward and that mouth opens all the way to let out not just the most beautiful sound,Continue reading "Inside"

What are you?

I first walked into the world of gold quite early,or so I thought. Anyway, this time when I walked into it , I already knew this wasn't what it seemed like, but I also believed in , and believe in the constantly improving spirit of that which we call unbridled, pure humanity and humanness. ItContinue reading "What are you?"